The term detox has gained widespread popularity in recent years. While some spheres of the health community vouch for the practice of detoxing, others remain a bit more skeptical of its benefits.
There are plenty of important questions one must ask before detoxing, but today we’ll be answering one of the most common inquiries: How often should you detox?
If you’re interested in adding detoxification methods to your overall routine—and you want to know what a healthy frequency looks like—read on for everything you need to know about regular detoxing!
What is Detoxing?
Before we can jump into the details of detoxing, it’s important to understand what this process actually is.
“Detoxing” is a shortened form of the word detoxification. The main goal of detoxification involves flushing toxins out of the body. While the term “toxin” can refer to a wide variety of substances, some of the most common types of toxins found in the human body include:
- Pollutants – Pollutants may enter the body through the air you breathe, the food you eat, or the water you drink. Radon, nitrogen dioxide, and mold are some of the most common culprits found in this category.
- Heavy metals – While some metallic elements such as iron and zinc are necessary for bodily functions, others can have harmful effects when ingested. Even small doses of heavy metals, like mercury, lead, and cadmium, are known to have toxic effects on the body. When these metals enter the bloodstream, they often bind to proteins and enzymes and disrupt the body’s natural processes. Heavy metals also contain high levels of carcinogens, which increase the number of free radicals in the body and, in some cases, develop into cancer.
- Synthetic chemicals – Synthetic chemicals are used in many of our everyday gadgets and appliances. From the polytetrafluoroethylene found in non-stick cookware to the bisphenol A used in plastic containers, it’s no surprise that these synthetic chemicals can find their way into the human body. Beyond food-related items, synthetic chemicals can also harm our bodies through the air, or via contact with the skin. While it’s best to avoid materials that contain known chemicals, full protection isn’t always possible in our daily lives. This is another reason why detoxing can be helpful if done safely and regularly.
- Processed foods – Unfortunately, many of the toxins in our bodies are actually ingested willingly, in the form of processed foods. While this particular category of toxins may not seem as harmful as heavy metals or pollutants, the effects of eating too many processed foods can be just as severe. Some of the most popular toxins found in processed foods include polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids, trans fats, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Often found in refined oils and grilled meats, these toxins have been linked to heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Check out our blogs on 12 Foods to Eat While Detoxing and 4 Foods to Avoid During a Detox to learn more about the relationship between food and detoxification.
When these toxic substances find their way into the human body, the best way to reduce their effects is by detoxing. The process of detoxing typically involves changing one’s diet and lifestyle for a certain period of time, in order to improve liver and kidney functions and allow the toxins to be flushed out. Detoxing often incorporates foods and beverages with high nutritional value, such as fruits, vegetables, fermented ingredients, and juices.
How Often Should You Detox?
With all that marketing that surrounds detoxification, you may be under the impression that it can only be done every few months. The surprising truth is that true detoxing should be done at least once a week, if not more.
Of course, there are different signs you need to detox and certain variables that can play a role in how often one should detox. This is because age, sex, and overall health are important factors that affect bodily functions, such as metabolism, muscle mass, and immunity. For example, someone with a higher metabolism—like a younger person or an athlete—may require more sugars and a higher caloric intake, thus changing some elements of your typical “detox.” People in this category may not need to detox as often, since their bodies are already flushing out toxins at a higher rate.
On the other hand, a person who consumes sugary foods or alcohol regularly may benefit from detoxing more frequently. One or two times per week, depending on your lifestyle choices can be a beneficial detox routine in situations like this. Some detox supplements (which we’ll get into later in the article) can be taken daily, which may be helpful for individuals with slower metabolisms, unhealthy habits, or those who live in polluted environments.
With these variables in mind, it’s important to remember that detoxing is not about starving yourself. People often push the idea that all detoxes revolve around practices like liquid diets or fasting, but the main goal of a detox diet is simply to flush out the toxins and improve overall health and wellbeing. In many cases, it’s better to add healthy elements to your diet, such as antioxidants, rather than take away foods that properly fuel the body.
So, how does one begin a detox journey? Let’s take a look.
How to Detox
Everyone’s detox methods are going to differ slightly, depending on your body type, lifestyle, and overall health. With that in mind, there are some key strategies one can employ in order to properly detoxify and get the body back on track:
- Avoid alcohol
- Decrease sugar intake, except for raw fruits
- Get a good night’s sleep to increase the body’s healing functions
- Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins through urination
- Use detoxification supplements, particularly those with antioxidant properties and probiotics
While some of these tips may be self-explanatory, the use of supplements for detoxification can be a bit more complicated. That’s why we’ve broken down some of the best supplements to help aid in your next detox.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is an effective detoxification agent that has been used for years. In small doses, charcoal is safe to ingest daily. Routine usage of activated charcoal has been proven to help cleanse the body by ridding the digestive system and bloodstream of toxins.
While small doses of activated charcoal can help relieve strain on the liver, larger doses are often used to purge the stomach of poisons. Charcoal’s unique chemical makeup performs a function known as adsorbing toxins (not to be confused with absorbing). This term refers to the process of charcoal particles attaching themselves to toxins and transporting them out of the body over time.
You must remember to drink plenty of water after taking charcoal supplements. Proper hydration will help the charcoal flush toxins efficiently out of the body, so you can start feeling better sooner.
Shilajit Mineral
Shilajit is a complex mineral that offers a number of nutritional benefits, particularly for detoxification purposes. As a powerful adaptogen, shilajit has been shown to stabilize bodily functions and promote homeostasis.
One of the biggest benefits of shilajit is its influence on metabolic processes. When shilajit enters the body, it begins directing mitochondria to convert fats and sugars into cellular energy rather than visible body fat.
This is what makes shilajit such a potent detoxification supplement. If weight loss and increased energy is your goal, then this mineral is a great option for removing excess sugar from the body.
Liposomal Sulforaphane Matrix
Another supplement designed with detoxification in mind is our liposomal sulforaphane matrix. This dynamic mixture combines the enzyme reaction sulforaphane, the protective phospholipid liposomal, and sodium copper chlorophyllin (a water-soluble form of chlorophyll). When used together, these natural ingredients perform a variety of detoxification processes, such as:
- Protecting and strengthening cells
- Improving cellular communication to prevent cancerous mutations
- Decreasing the number of free radicals in the body
- Reducing inflammation
- Inducing phase II enzymes, which assist the liver in detoxification
- Regulating bacteria
- Promoting the survival of neurons
When taken once per day, liposomal sulforaphane matrix can aid the body in its natural detoxification, promote cellular health, and increase protection against carcinogens.
One of our best-selling supplements, ReGenesis, is made up of five essential nutrients that enhance the body’s natural detoxification abilities:
- Glutathione – A multifunctional antioxidant that’s naturally created in the liver—but production of this essential compound begins to slow down in your mid-twenties. Glutathione helps reduce free radicals, oxidative stress, and toxins in the body.
- PQQ – A powerful compound often found in vegetables, Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) helps reduce oxidative stress, regulate mitochondrial functions, and provide clean energy for our cells.
- Riboflavin – Riboflavin—also known as vitamin B2—is a vital nutrient that the human body needs to function. This essential B vitamin assists in digestion, nutrient absorption, and the breakdown of sugars, fats, and proteins. All of these bodily processes are important in detoxification and metabolic functioning, as well.
- CoQ10 – Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is another antioxidant that plays a role in the production of cellular energy. This coenzyme is crucial in protecting cells, lipids, proteins, and DNA from oxidative damage caused by toxins.
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus – Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a potent strain of good bacteria. When present, this probiotic helps aid digestion, prevent infections, and prevent certain problems caused by toxins—including acne and allergies.
Cymbiotika: Detoxing Simplified
Here at Cymbiotika, our top priority is providing customers with effective products that improve their well-being. Beyond your standard detox supplements, our products are designed with physical, mental, and emotional health in mind.
Our line of Cleanse products comes with everything you need to safely detoxify the body, improve organ functions, and promote a healthier lifestyle. Choose from a wide selection of activated charcoal, essential minerals, and prebiotics to cover all your detox bases.
Your body has always been there for you—return the favor by making a positive lifestyle change, with Cymbiotika!
- EPA.gov. Exposure to Environmental Contaminants. https://www.epa.gov/report-environment/exposure-environmental-contaminants
- Intechopen. Mechanism and Health Effects of Heavy Metal Toxicity in Humans. https://www.intechopen.com/books/poisoning-in-the-modern-world-new-tricks-for-an-old-dog-/mechanism-and-heal
- AAFP. Potential Toxicity of Synthetic Chemicals: What You Should Know About Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2008/0901/p565.html
- Healthline. 7 Toxins in Food That Are Actually Concerning. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-food-toxins-that-are-concerning#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3
- Sites.ndtv. Flush Out Those Toxins With 5 Top Detoxing Tips. https://sites.ndtv.com/healthmatters/flush-toxins-5-top-detoxing-tips-1279/