Docosahexeanoic Acid
Docosahexeanoic Acid (DHA) is an essential omega 3 long-chain fatty acid popularly known for its vital influence in brain function of vertebrates. “Essential,” nutrients are those the body cannot produce on its own, meaning it must be obtained from the diet. DHA traditionally comes from fish, but fish themselves do not produce DHA. They receive it in the algae they consume, which we can extract directly for a more pure, vegan, and eco-friendly source. DHA is a crucial nutrient for brain and nervous system development while pregnant/breastfeeding, and recommended for eye, heart, and cognitive functioning throughout the lifespan.
The majority of omega-3s in sea vegetables and plant foods are in the precursor state of ɑ-linoleic acid (ALA), which the body cannot convert on its own to the bioavailable DHA/EPA (although EPA can be synthesized in very small amounts from ALA). Vegan diets struggle to obtain adequate DHA/EPA in the diet, as plant sources stay in ALA inside the body. This vegan source of omega-3 fatty acids, extracted in readily absorbable form, is a revolutionary product for all regardless of quality of diet.
Cardiovascular, nervous system, and vision impairments are commonly encouraged to take omega 3s as part of their treatment. Out of the beneficial omega 3s, DHA is recognized as the primary contributor to lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and improving platelet function. It is vital for maintaining the shape of photoreceptor cells in our eyes, helping to improve vision development and repair. It even shows evidence as a therapy for nonalcoholic fatty liver conditions in infants and adults. The strongest predictor of success in these regards is DHA’s ability to lower omega 6 arachidonic acids (AA) while increasing levels of healthy omega 3.
DHA shows a dramatic increase in anti-inflammatory effects compared to controls without DHA supplementation in low-calorie and ketogenic diets.. This is believed to be due to DHA’s ability to lower AA. Deficiency of omega 3 is believed to contribute to the high ratio of inflammatory AA and C-Reactive Protein (CRP). It has been observed to help correct this ratio in children with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), suggesting that lowering AA via increase of DHA/EPA will become a focus for SCD and many other destructive genetic conditions.
It is important to note that long-term studies showing positive effects in infants at birth, but not later in life, did not continue supplementation for mother or child postpartum. Some studies have made conclusions based on supplementation during the last half of pregnancy, when brain development begins around week 3. In studies on both children and adults, supplementation of DHA has shown improvement in cognitive functioning, vision, mood disorders, depression, and has been scientifically identified as a preventative approach to autism spectrum disorders.
DHA is found in Cymbotika's The Omega formula for its role in healthy blood, nervous system, cognitive, and anti-inflammatory effects. The sourcing of DHA from microalgae can be expensive and irresponsible in its use of biofuels for extraction, which is why we have ours sourced from abundant algae pools in Nova Scotia. These wild heirloom strains are collected and then cultured in an organic Canadian GMO-certified facility for purity and conscious manufacturing in every step. Combined in brilliant ratios with other sea-sourced omegas and phosphatidylcholine for maximum absorption, we are proud to offer the highest quality vegan Omega 3 DHA/EPA product available on the
Clinical Research
Human studies published in the last 10 years
A Meta-Analysis Shows That Docosahexaenoic Acid from Algal Oil Reduces Serum Triglycerides and Increases HDL-Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol in Persons without Coronary Heart Disease
Algae as nutritional and functional food sources: revisiting our understanding
Effect of DHA supplementation in a very low-calorie ketogenic diet in the treatment of obesity: a randomized clinical trial
P-255 - Arachidonic acid to docosahexaenoic acid ratio (AA/DHA): a strong clinical outcome predictor in DHA-based nutritional therapy of pediatric NASH
The Kansas University DHA Outcomes Study (KUDOS) clinical trial: long-term behavioral follow-up of the effects of prenatal DHA supplementation
Relationship of Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA with the inflammatory biomarker hs-CRP in children with sickle cell anemia
Dietary DHA, bioaccessibility, and neurobehavioral development in children
Docosahexaenoic acid preserves visual function by maintaining correct disc morphology in retinal photoreceptor cells