These days we could all use a little boost. Whether its helping clear our mental state or to find the energy to power through our workouts, we’re always looking for ways to improve our mind, body and soul. So we’re turning to the wellness experts at Cymbiotika to help provide some helpful tips to boost our overall health.
For Mental Clarity:
These days, taking time for ourselves is more important than ever. Whether its mindful meditation or a head-clearing walk, find a few minutes each day to bolster your mental strength to tackle the day, and the day after that. If you need an added mental boost, try
, specifically designed to decrease your mental fog while improving mood and productivity.Give Your An Energy Boost:
Summertime means more time spent outdoors. Since our gyms may be at limited capacity, we’ll need to be more creative with our workouts, and that means utilizing our natural world to keep our fitness game strong while still socially distancing. To unleash your inner workout beast,
will curb cravings and boost your metabolism, increasing your energy output.Build Stronger Bones
Working on our outer strength comes from within. The vitamins and nutrients we ingest are vital to keeping our bones healthy and strong, allowing us to balance, literally and physically. To help boost inner strength increase your consumption of Vitamin D3, a critical nutrient for absorbing calcium and phosphorus, the building blocks of strong bones.
will deliver a powerful boost of Vitamin D3.Combined with the formula’s CoQ10, an ingredient shown to promote healthy aging, will form a powerful one-two punch to improving your health, inside and out.
The Boosting Benefits of B-12
- The most advanced B-12 available from the experts at Cymbiotika
- Shown to increase cellular energy and vitality
- Boosts energy while providing healthy skin and nails
- Improves mood and cognitive function
- Promotes healthy pregnancy and safe for children aged 2+
A Triple Threat
- Cymbiotika’s powerful combination of D3 + K2 + CoQ10 improves immunity and heart health
- D3: Builds and strengthen bone density
- K2: Boosts cardiovascular health
- CoQ10: Promotes healthy aging by controlling effects of free radicals and stress