Here's what happens to the lungs of a person infected with COVID-19. Safe to say, it's not pretty.
We're seven months into the COVID-19 pandemic, but the virus is still an enigma. Scientists haven't found the right formula to create the working antidote that could end this madness. At the same, the global death rate remains on a steady rise.
But here's what we know so far: COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that leaves its victims unable to breathe on their own. Those who've gone through the worst of the hellish experience describe it as having a stack of weights plopped on their chest.
That's not even the worst part. Patients who get the raw end of the deal are kept in isolation to prevent further infection. They end up fighting for their last breath without their dearly beloved by their side. It's the kind of misery you won't wish on your worst enemy.
Right now, prevention is our best weapon. Mask up, wash your hands, practice physical distancing, and take care of your immune system with supplements from Cymbiotika. It offers new-age products that slightly outmatch traditional medicine.
But apart from prevention, it also pays to know the enemy. While this treacherous and menacing disease affects people differently, we'll take a deeper dive into its damaging effects on the lungs.
Is It Just the Flu?
The first 14 days of infection will give you an idea of the sheer deceptiveness of this virus. You won't even know it hit you yet. In those two weeks, you'll feel like you've caught the sniffles or the flu bug going around. Some of you might even start dosing yourself with a Liposomal vitamin C supplement like Cymbiotika, but at this point, it's a little too late for that.
Based on statistics collected with the first-ever wave hit in March, 88% of COVID-19 patients developed a fever on the onset. Those who didn't eventually develop one upon their admission to the hospital.
Like a thief in the wee hours of slumber, the virus will then work its way to the lungs and begin its attack on lung cells. Upon infection, these cells die off and turn into debris. This build-up of dead cells disables the lungs to effectively fight off foreign bodies from entering through the trachea.
The body's inflammatory response steadily heightens as it takes more damage. Doctors point to these inflammations as the reason why people endure that dry, heaving cough in this initial stage. But this unforgiving virus won't cease its attack until it kills off all the healthy cells.
At this point, mild cases would've passed over. But those deemed moderate, severe, and critical will begin their battle with pneumonia.
The Dreaded "ARDS"
Let's go back to the inflammation. It's the body's natural response when viruses attempt to invade. Immune cells produce cytokines to try and fight off the illness, but here's where it also becomes problematic. A flood of cytokines, otherwise known as a "cytokine storm," means total destruction. Nothing is spared, including healthy cells.
This is when Acute Respiratory Distress Symptom occurs. To put it simply, the mass slaughter of cells causes a fluid build-up in the lungs. Up to 45% of severe ARDS cases lead to death. In the case of COVID-19, it is pointed to as one of the biggest reasons for many of its fatalities.
Once a patient goes through ARDS, he or she begins intubation in the ICU. Most of them won't be able to breathe on their own unless supported by a ventilator. The machine aims to provide oxygen to the blood since the lungs can't. The sad part is that even if you survive this horrendous ordeal, your lungs are likely damaged goods for the rest of your existence.
The Uphill Battle to Full Recovery
There is a silver lining: patients who begin their road to recovery are released from the hospital within two and a half weeks. But that, too, isn't exactly a walk in the park.
For those who've been critically ill, especially, full recuperation may take months. And even during these stages, there's still a good chance for them to infect people they interact with. There's also those who endure the post-infection damage, whose lives are no longer the same. Some of these COVID-19 "long-haulers" even contract other severe illnesses like HIV, because their immune system was greatly compromised.
Related: The Long-Term COVID-19 Effects You Wouldn't Want to Endure
Now, you wouldn't want to fight these grueling battles, would you? You may want to protect yourself with a product like Cymbiotika's Synergy Liposomal Vitamin C.
The Best Supplements For Immune System Health
If you ask NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci about the most effective way to strengthen your immune defense, he'll tell you to supplement with Vitamins C and D. Let's break that down.
Vitamin C is known as a reliable antioxidant. And we need antioxidants in our body to fight off free radicals that cause cell damage. In the case of COVID-19, the lesser likelihood of cell damage means a smaller chance for the condition to worsen.
Vitamin D kills off inflammation, particularly within the respiratory tract. Combine these two together and you get a solid enough defense against the virus.
But here's where it gets interesting. We mentioned early on in this article that Cymbiotika offers new-age products, like Liposomal Vitamin C. Unlike your traditional form, Liposomal Vitamin C travels via the digestive tract, making its absorption a lot more effective. It's akin to taking Vitamin C through an IV, which goes through your bloodstream in its purest form.
Cymbiotika's Synergy Vitamin D3 is equally as potent. Like Vitamin C, it also rids the body from the detrimental effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. In this case, both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are protected. Now, you can't go wrong with that.
Shield yourself from COVID-19's destructive effects with Cymbiotika.
Source: Newsweek