COVID-19 can leave the immune system significantly weakened. Here's how to protect yourself.
We've seen the number of coronavirus recoveries soar up through the months. Even without a vaccine that directly cures this deadly disease, hospitals and healthcare heroes continue to do their best to aid patients in recovery.
While many have recovered, we've also been seeing numerous people notice some lingering side effects of the disease.
What's it like to recover from coronavirus? Here are common side effects gathered from hospitals and patients' experiences, as well as a recommended immune system booster like Cymbiotika to aid with recovery.
What Recovery from COVID-19 Looks Like
Mental Fogginess
Deadly viruses are capable of traveling throughout the body to wreak havoc. Some viruses, including COVID-19, may damage the brain cells, cause inflammation, and develop neurological complications.
Mental fogginess includes difficulty thinking about the usual topics that you used to remember so easily, delusions, hallucinations, and psychosis.
Altered brain cells may also cause difficulty sleeping regardless of the regular production of melanin in the body, causing depression symptoms and headaches.
Prolonged Fatigue
Doctors have long discovered that chronic fatigue side effects may persist for months, even long after an infection has gone.
Post COVID-19 patients may feel extreme fatigue, with no energy to move around much even if you've been resting for a couple of days already. Some suggest that remnants of the virus might still be lurking in the body, limiting the person from fully recovering.
Muscle Weakness
Patients with long ICU stay who experience reduced muscle strength are suspected of critical illness myopathy.
Muscle weakness is the inability to move a muscle normally despite trying as hard as possible. Mild cases involve not being able to lift weights that you usually can. Severe cases may include challenges in using leg muscles properly when walking.
Shortness of Breath
COVID-19 patients report difficulty breathing and tightness of chest even after recovery.
These episodes may happen any time, whether you're lying down on the bed or walking down a flight of stairs. Patients describe shortness of breath like breathing through a straw, and that each breath takes great effort to make.
Mild Cough
The effect of COVID-19 in the respiratory system has been observable in the past few months.
Dry cough is one of the strongest symptoms common to individuals who tested positive for the coronavirus. While most of us initially assume that coughing will eventually stop once a person recovers from the virus, this is not always the case. A mild cough may still ensue, accompanied by fatigue and lack of breath.
Weakened Immune System
Surviving the worst phases of COVID-19 should mean that your immune system is strong enough to fight the virus, right?
This is true, but in the process of recovery, these deadly viruses can somehow create havoc in the immune system. So much so that the body gets significantly vulnerable to other types of diseases.
And yes, with a weakened immune system, a post-COVID patient definitely runs the risk of contracting the same virus again, which makes it even more important to take an immune system booster like Cymbiotika.
Extensive Isolation
Quarantine doesn't stop after a COVID-19 patient gets released from the hospital. Avoid getting affected by the same virus again and avoid affecting other people in case the virus still lingers in your body by going on a self-imposed extensive isolation.
As a precaution, after getting released from the hospital, allow at least 14 more days before coming out of home-quarantine.
Progressive Aerobic Rehab
For COVID-19 patients who are experiencing muscle weakness and shortness of breath throughout the recovery process, start with baby steps.
Retrain the muscles and strengthen the lungs by going on recommended aerobic clinic rehabs. Don't force yourself if you can't do it just yet, but the important thing is to at least move around even for just a 5-minute walk.
Rehydration and Nutritious Liquids
Contracting a deadly virus can dehydrate the body. Drink loads of water in excess of 12 glasses a day to help the body gain back all the moisture that is lost while you were sick.
Your appetite might not be as big in the first few weeks, but you can easily coax the body back to good health by drinking nutritious fruits juices, and smoothies.
Ultimate Immune Defense During COVID-19
It's hard enough to recover from a common cold, what more if it's a deadly virus?
Give the immune system the boost that it needs to get back on track by taking Cymbiotika Ultimate Immune Defense, a potent mineral antibiotic that can neutralize viruses while supporting friendly bacteria for a healthy gut microbiome.
If you are at risk of getting sick again due to a weakened immune system, take 1 drop of Cymbiotika Ultimate Immune Defense in at least 8 ounces of water.
For compromised immune systems in times of illness, take 3 to 5 drops of Cymbiotika Ultimate Immune Defense.