Style de vie
10 mins lecture
L’essentiel à retenir
- Peu importe quel genre de journée vous avez, vous pouvez toujours en faire une bonne journée si vous prenez du temps pour votre santé.
- Pensez à ce que vous pouvez faire dès maintenant pour passer une bonne journée.
La réalité
Tout le monde, à un moment donné, se sent coincé ; peut-être à cause du travail, d’une relation ou d’un sentiment d’indifférence... ou peut-être que cette sensation d’être "coincé(e)" est le reflet de ce qui se déroule à l’intérieur. Prenons deux exemples.
"I'm struggling to find balance and peace."
Claire is a successful leader in her field. She's currently working nonstop on her new podcast and is excited to share her best business tips with the world.
Aside from being incredibly ambitious, she is a wife and mother. She gets comments like, “Wow, I don't know how you manage to do all of that!"
Although Claire does her best to put her best foot forward, the truth is that she's hit a roadblock. She can barely sleep at night (she's lucky to get more than four hours each night) and is always on the go. At this point, her body and mind struggle to keep up with her.
"It's hard for me to take a break."
Devon is a high performer at his company. He’s leading teams, making moves. He arrives early to work, works well into the night, and repeats.
People at work admire Devon. He’s smart, strategic, and careful. But even though others see him as organized and very well put-together, Devon is struggling inside. He can hardly make time for himself or his family, and the lack of sleep and high stress levels is really difficult for him to manage.
Going through the motions
While Claire and Devon appear as though they are just "going through the motions," this can be a vicious cycle. When you don’t address your feelings, reflect on what you need, or take care of your health, all aspects of your life are affected—not just one.
Win your day
The good news is that anyone has the ability to win their day if they make time for their health—whether it's your physical health, mental health, or emotional well-being.
A “win” could be as simple as waking up ten minutes earlier to meditate, keeping a promise to yourself, or even taking your supplements. It's all about making intentional choices that support your wellness journey so that you can create a healthier, more fulfilling life.
For Claire, she can win her day by spending more quality time with the people she loves. She could also improve her mental and emotional health by taking supplements that can support her sleep and stress levels.
For Devon, he can win his day by incorporating a daily routine. Small changes like prioritizing daily movement and taking supplements to help him better manage his stress can ensure his body and mind are taken care of without missing a beat.
Win Your Day supports your wellness journey and ensures you are at your best mentally, emotionally, and physically. No matter how tired or unmotivated you may feel, remember that even the smallest changes can make the biggest difference.
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